Fasting Guide


What do I do during my fast?

Scripturally, fasting is almost always partnered with prayer (Ezra 8:21,23; Luke 2:36-37).

During times when you would normally eat, you may want to:

Worship (Nehemiah 9:1-3; Acts 13:1-3)
Petition (Daniel 9:3,17)
Read the Word of God (Nehemiah 9:1-3; Jeremiah 36:6)
Ask for direction and guidance (Judges 20:19-46; Ezra 8:21)
Repent (Joel 2:12-17)

Our prayer for you over the course of any fast is that your passion for God and His Word will be ignited and that you will develop a hunger for His presence greater than ever before!

Find your fast zone

Please Consult Your Doctor Before Attempting Any Liquid Or Food Fast

When starting fasting, discomfort is common, but you can adapt quickly. It’s important to find a fasting method that suits you. While fasting involves avoiding food, different combinations work for different people. Success in fasting relies on discovering your “Fast Zone,” where you feel most spiritually focused and energized. Just like athletes have target heart rates, finding your Fast Zone helps you select the right fast.

It is important to remember that no specific type of fast is inherently more spiritual than another. Your goal should be to seek God in prayer about this and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Just remember, listen to your intuition, try different methods, and stick with what keeps you in your Fast Zone.

Choose your type of fast

Before starting your fast, it’s important to decide what type of fast or combination you’ll do so you can prepare and commit. Choosing your fasting plan in advance sets you up for success by keeping you focused and determined throughout the fast.


A full fast involves consuming only liquids, such as water, clear broth, and 100% fruit and vegetable juices, to maintain strength.


Partial fasts involve giving up specific items like caffeine, one meal a day, or fasting during set times of the day.


Specific food fasts omit certain items from meals, such as red meat, processed foods, or sweets, and can accommodate various dietary needs or medical conditions.


Juice fasting consists of consuming vegetable and fruit juices, often with whey protein, as a popular and effective alternative to solid food. Even if you choose not to make your entire fast liquids only, substituting one or two meals for liquids is a great alternative.


The Daniel fast, inspired by the biblical figure Daniel, emphasizes spiritual focus and bodily discipline by abstaining from certain foods like rich foods, meat, and wine, with interpretations varying based on individual preferences and spiritual goals.

Financial Fast

The purpose of a Financial Fast is to come to an understanding that it’s God who truly provides for us. Like a food fast, a financial fast helps us reset impulsive habits that have grown in our lives but with spending instead of food. It helps us reevaluate our money behaviors and establish healthy and godly financial practices in our lives.

It’s also a way for us to get financial freedom and peace in a world that promotes and values consumption and excess. It also helps us to see this area of our lives as spiritual and fuels our desire to get closer to God.

This is the one area of life where God said He would have the most competition for our souls: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24, NIV).

Some suggested practices:

Download an app like FaithFi or Everydollar to track your spending
Spend what’s only in your budget and no more
Use cash only for two weeks (excluding automated bills)
Fast from big box retailers that encourage over-spending: Amazon, Walmart, Costco, etc.
Fast from dining out (e.g., take a sack lunch to work)
Cut clothing, entertainment, and hobby expenses during this period

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